Watch "SIMÓN" the movie with bonus access to an exclusive hour-long "Making Of" the movie, where you can see behind-the-scenes footage and hear interviews with the cast and crew and never-before-seen scenes that didn't make it in the movie!
4K | 99 min | English & Spanish Language
Subtitles Available in: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, Russian, Hindi, Chinese
Watch the "Making Of" after the movie!
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SIMÓN + Making Of (Detrás de Cámaras)
2 videos
Watch "SIMÓN" the movie with bonus access to an exclusive hour-long "Making Of" the movie, where you can see behind-the-scenes footage and hear interviews with the cast and crew and never-before-seen scenes that didn't make it in the movie!
4K | 99 min | English & Spanish Language